I am sorry for what you have become.
For all the sleepless nights you pulled just to keep your self in place.
The tears you shed for all the stupid things I did, for the time you wasted on temporary people and feelings.
I should have taken care of you more than you took care of others.
I should've loved you more than I loved other people, but most of all,
I am sorry for all the pain I have caused you.
I am sorry when I lost your soul and heart to the darkness,
I know you are trying to do your best this time.
Its hard, I know,I watched how you build yourself up
only to be torn apart all over gain.
But I wanted you to know that what I did in the past is not to be regretted.
Because mistakes made are lessons learned that made us come this far.
You became strong on your own and you have learned
that life isn't always rainbows and unicorns.
Promise me one thing that you wont forget everything that made you who you are.
I believe in you, no matter what decision you will make,
what path you choose to take.
And lastly one last request, forgive yourself.
Forgive yourself for everything you didnt do but should have done,
for everything you should have said but fear caught your tongue.
Till then I will remind you who you are,
because you are precious,
no matter how many failures you've committed to come this far.
love sincerely,
the old me